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Hirequity is a sales-focused recruiter for forward-thinking organizations. We know Sales Talent because we ARE Sales Talent. Looking to do something different today?

Services We Provide (1)


Business Overview

Small, Medium, Enterprise

$5,000 or more




Technologies We Support (9)

BambooHRFacebook MessengerGoogleGoogle AnalyticsGoogle My BusinessGustoMicrosoftSalesforceiOS and Android

Industry Expertise (6)

Business ServicesFinanceHealthcareIndustrialSaaSStartups

What Makes Us Different?

Hirequity was founded to hire differently and inspire others by our example. The world is changing. The way we work is changing. The way we hire should change, too.

We are committed to correcting inequities based on race, gender, sexual orientation and the like - we recognize and nurture a candidate’s value at all stages of the recruiting process - and we only work with hirers who offer employees a sense of purpose.