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Reviews & Profile for Pointman News Creation

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We're not your Mama's PR Firm! Concepts - not contacts! News Creation, to put it simply, is aggressive PR with much better tactics. It's a proven PR philosophy that creates the best concepts, pitches the most journalists and secures serious earned media. Our best stories are born from a timely and topical (sometimes humour-based) editorial approach. We draw on our past professional lives as journalists to pitch the media with unique and engaging content that we know they can't ignore.

Services We Provide (1)

Public Relations

Business Overview

Small, Medium, Enterprise

$10,000 or more

$5,000 or more, monthly

B2C, B2B


Technologies We Support (1)


Industry Expertise (1)

Business Services

What Makes Us Different?

Who we are and why we're Better ...

1) We have a sense of humour:

Our best stories are born from a timely and topical (sometimes humour-based) editorial approach.

2) We get tactical:

We leverage surveys, experts and 'Newsjacking' to create irresistible story pitches for the media.

3) We Go Big … Always!:

We don’t micro-pitch, we MASSIVELY pitch the media. The math is simple: create a story that is of interest to as many media

as possible so we can pitch as many media as possible and get as many hits as possible.

4) Ideas, not connections:

All PR people have connections and generally try to sell you by namedropping them. Although we have many relationships

with journalists, NONE of that matters if you don’t start with a great idea for your pitch.

5) We know how newsrooms and media really work:

We draw on our past professional lives as journalists to pitch the media with unique and engaging content that we know they

can't ignore (because we know the secret handshake.)